At Native Routes™, Inc., we source agricultural products and food ingredients straight from Bolivia’s nutrient-rich soil through a combination of ancient and modern farming techniques. Our business is built on strict quality control, efficient production, and continuous improvements of the supply chain management. We forge long-term relationships by exceeding our customer’s expectations.
In our relentless effort to ensure high quality products from farm to market, Native Routes Inc. established a procurement office in the producer country in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The sole mission of our office in the producer country is to work closely with the farmers to produce the highest quality products with the strictest standards for on time delivery to our customers.
We enjoy a very unique position that covers the entire cycle in the superfood industry that´s unparalleled by our competitors. A critical component of our model is our presence on the consumer side with an office in Los Angeles, CA to coordinate ingredients in bulk and of retail environments. In this dynamic globalized economy information on the market, it is our belief that behavior is key to staying current and foreseeing trends, which allow us to maintain our competitive edge.
At Terra Aurelia™, Inc., our story starts in the fields of Bolivia blessed with microclimates which enable the farmers to produce high quality nutrient-rich products with farming techniques that date back to ancient times. Our products are of the highest quality and handled by experts in the field who have knowledge of each specific product.
With modern technology, our practice of caring and preserving indigenous wisdom make the century’s old way of farming more relevant today. We emphasize the importance for local cultures to reassert their cultural values and preserve their way of life for generations. At Terra Aurelia, our mission is to empower local communities to be self-sustainable and allocate the resources that meet their basic needs such as health and education. It is in this spirit that Terra Aurelia engages our producer partners and the local communities.
As we engage our partners and local communities in a socially responsible way, our products are produced with the utmost care that is sought by health conscious consumers. Through its strong partnership with local producers, Terra Aurelia is able to achieve an unprecedented level of efficiency in managing the outbound logistics to our customers. As it´s common with developing countries that face many structural challenges, Terra Aurelia is present in the producer country to assist and manage the timely export of outbound products.
From experienced and passionate farmers nurturing and harvesting grains under the Bolivian sun to Native Routes’ staff performing strict quality control of the products ready to ship, we achieve transparency in the process, traceability, ethical awareness, and environmental responsibility through every aspect of our production chain. We are committed to developing innovative approaches to agricultural practices. From understanding current environmental issues, spreading awareness, and taking action with our agriculture and business partners to creating an environmental presence thereby a sense of duty to our global surroundings is instilled. Your Choice for Natural and Responsibly Sourced Products
We are committed to developing innovative approaches to agricultural practices. From understanding current environmental issues, spreading awareness, and taking action with our agricultural and business partners to creating an environmental presence thereby instilling in us a sense of duty to our global surroundings.
We are advocates of traceability, practitioners of sustainability, and believers in quality. We trust that laying down these three building blocks as the foundation for our company will allow us to stay aligned with our core values, our vision, and our mission, regardless of where our journey takes us.
The production process at Native Routes is designed with the ever-changing needs of our clients in mind. From cultivation to production and marketing, we adhere to global ethics unequivocally. Not only are the products we offer 100% natural, but they also set the standard for premium quality, are full of nutritional value, and best of all, arrive at your doorstep from the fields of South America by means of sustainable and traceable methods. If interested, please reach out to us at info@nativeroutes.com.
The statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Native Routes Inc. 和波利维亚的直营产地合作,结合上个世纪的农耕技术和现代美国农业培育技术,在这营养丰富的土壤中,透过一致性的品质要求,高效能的生产,以及在供应环结中不断的改善,我们培育了农产品原料和食物。我们以超越客户期望值为目标,发展长期的合作关系。
从一开始沐浴在玻利维亚阳光下,经验丰富农夫充满热情的培育和收割谷物,一直到Native Routes的工作人员检查出货包装,我们将所有处理和追踪的过程透明化,本着守护全球环境的责任和公益,我们承诺高品质产品和卓越的服务,力求协助我们客人开展业务的同时,也欢迎他们成为我们的一份子。
Your Choice in Natural and Responsibly Sourced 我们提供纯天然保证的产品给予消费者
从一开始沐浴在玻利维亚阳光下,经验丰富农夫充满热情的培育和收割谷物,一直到Native Routes的工作人员检查出货包装,我们将所有处理和追踪的过程透明化,本着守护全球环境的责任和公益,我们承诺高品质产品和卓越的服务,力求协助我们客人开展业务的同时,也欢迎他们成为我们的一份子。
Native Routes的生产过程根据客户心目中的需求与时俱进,从种植培育到产业和营销,我们明确的坚守全球性的道德观点,所有产品100%纯天然,品质卓越,营养价值满分,最重要的,这些产品是通过持续观察和产地追踪的方式,从南美的土壤到达客人的家门口。 意者请与我们联络info@nativeroutes.com。
Native Routes Inc. 和波利維亞的直營產地合作,結合上個世紀的農耕技術和現代美國農業培育技術,在這營養豐富的土壤中,透過一致性的品質要求,高效能的生產,以及在供應環結中不斷的改善,我們培育了農產品原料和食物。我們以超越客戶期望值為目標,發展長期的合作關係。
從一開始沐浴在玻利維亞陽光下,經驗豐富農夫充滿熱情的培育和收割穀物,一直到Native Routes的工作人員『檢查、包裝、出貨』,所有的處理過程皆採用通明化,本著守護全球環境的責任和公益,我們承諾高品質產品和卓越的服務,力求協助我們客人開展業務的同時,也歡迎他們成為我們的一份子。
Your Choice in Natural and Responsibly Sourced 我們提供純天然保證的產品給予消費者
Native Routes的生產過程根據客戶心目中的需求與時俱進,從種植培育到『生產』和營銷,我們明確的堅守全球性的道德觀點,所有產品100%純天然,品質卓越,營養價值滿分,最重要的,這些產品是通過持續觀察和產地追蹤的方式,從南美的土壤到達客人的家門口。意者請與我們聯絡info@nativeroutes.com。
Native Routes 에 대해서
Native Routes 이 제공하는 농산품들은 고대와 현대 농경 기술을 이용하여 볼리비아의 기름진 땅에서 직접 생산됩니다. Native Routes 는 엄격한 품질 관리, 효율적인 생산, 및 지속적인 개발을 중요시 합니다. Native Routes 은 소비자와의 오랜 관계를 추구합니다.
볼리비아에서 곡물을 재배하고 수확하는 경험 많고 정열적인 농부들에서부터 엄격한 품질 관리를 통해 소비자에게 상품을 전달하는 Native Routes 의 직원들까지, Native Routes는 생산 과정의 투명성, 윤리 인식 및 환경적 책임을 중요하게 생각합니다. Native Routes는 최상의 제품과 최고의 서비스를 제공하여 구매자가 만족할 수 있도록 노력할 것입니다.
Native Routes 는 생산물 재배에 혁신적인 방법을 개발하고 있습니다. 환경 문제를 이해함으로써, 인간이나 환경에 해를 끼치지 않는 안전한 제품을 만들어 내려고 노력하고 있습니다.
저희는 투명성을 강조하고, 지속적인 성장을 추구하며, 최상의 상품을 만들어 낼 수 있다고 믿습니다. 이 세 가지 요소가 저희 회사가 가지고 있는 중요한 가치이자 수행해야 할 임무 입니다.
Native Routes 의 생산 과정은 끊임없이 변화하는 고객의 요구에 기반을 두고 설계 되었습니다. 재배와 생산에서 마케팅에 이르기까지, 저희는 도덕적 윤리를 준수합니다. 저희가 제공하는 제품은 100% 천연 제품일 뿐 아니라, 최상의 제품에 대한 기대치를 높여주고, 뛰어난 영양 가치가 있는 제품이며, 무엇보다도 이러한 상품이 투명한 생산라인을 통해 쉽게 접할 수 있게 됩니다. 저희 제품에 대해 궁금하신 사항이 있으시면 info@nativeroutes.com 로 문의하시기 바랍니다.
이 웹싸이트에 기술된 내용들은 미국 식품의약청(US FDA)의 평가를 받지 않았습니다. 식품에 관련된 내용들은 질병의 진단, 치료 혹은 예방의 목적으로 사용되지 않습니다.