Coconut Sugar

Coconut Sugar


Coconut Sugar Nutritional Info

Coconut sugar, also referred to as palm sugar, coconut palm sugar, or coconut crystals/nectar is healthy and sustainable for our planet. Made from the sap of cut flower buds from the coconut palm, coconut sugar and coconut nectar are a source of minerals, vitamin C, B vitamins, and some amino acids. Coconut sugar has been used as a traditional sweetener for thousands of years in South and South-East Asia.

Preliminary Health Research
Pure coconut palm sugar reportedly has a naturally low glycemic index (GI)–a measure of how food impacts blood sugar–which has led some people to claim that it is a valuable sugar substitute for people with diabetes or those looking to control blood sugar (the low-carb camp). Indeed, a lower GI may be a good indication that a food is safer for diabetics, though it is not a guarantee.

The number of calories in coconut palm sugar is almost identical to the number in regular table sugar and its closer relative, brown sugar. But coconut palm sugar is notably higher in various micronutrients, probably because it is less processed than industrial sugars.

Substitute coconut palm sugar for traditional sugar at a 1:1 ratio in normal cooking and baking.